Serving Northern Arizona & the Verde Valley Since 2000
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Horsemanship at the ranch is provided in group or private sessions. Whether with your horse or one of ours, it opens doors to improving your recreational or performance goals. The horsemanship class is about becomnig a student of the horse and learning the basic concepts of Horsemanship. These concepts include communication, timing, feel, creativity, consistency, empathy, rhythm and reliability. A foundation in these concepts empowers the student to change unsafe, unwanted behaviors and responses, discover new things to do with the horse and create a satisfying relationship for both partners.
Therapeutic Riding Program
Improving the health and well-being of disabled individuals of all ages.
Corporate Workshops
An adventure in team-building, communication and leadership using horses as our teachers..
Veterans Program
Downrange – An equine-assisted program for veterans and their families. READ MORE
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